5 Lessons from 5 Years as a Soul-led Entrepreneur

Hi gorgeous.

I am really excited to write this blog post for you, in hopes what I share here saves you lots of time, heart ache & headaches!

One of the most incredible things about the transparency of social media & perhaps even the internet; is realizing that we are not alone in our journeys.

Back in the day when all we saw was media coverage of certain topics, I feel we were missing a lot of possibility for depth & authenticity around the total & true story of what it actually takes to create something great!

I think why it’s so often we live in a social and/or cultural climate where we ‘think’ everyone has it figured out but us.

And look, all of the below is based on my experience, and I claim none of this as the end all be all truth.

From my experience:

Business is challenging.

But beyond just business,

going for what you truly want, is usually the part that tests you the most.

But the work is worth it!

Here are 5 things i’ve learned as an entrepreneur over the last 5 years (if I had to choose the biggest themes or lessons over the years, and some of these are super recent!)

  1. know your numbers!

Get to know numbers & fall in love with them. I’ll never forget when I went to Tony Robbins Business Mastery event LIVE in Las Vegas (with my girl Gala Darling) and Tony uttered these words: If you don’t know your numbers, you don’t have a business.

And the truth was, I DIDN’T KNOW MY NUMBERS AT ALL. I just knew I was making money, managing it & I wasn’t broke anymore.

I eventually worked with Michael King, a CFO x Coach, who taught me the power of cash flow forecasting & knowing my numbers through and through. I cried almost every single call because I was so scared & so resistant to this process and living in so much fear that if I knew my numbers, I wasn’t going to like or feel safe with what I saw.

Tracking my numbers, now, is one of my favorite things to do because it brings me so much peace of mind (And, sometimes it can also be confronting & trigger my nervous system into fight or flight bc: numbers do not lie.)

They show us, directly the energy / intention / actions (or lack thereof) of ever single decision that we make (or don’t make)

To begin: start tracking your numbers.

Whether it be for your business because you have expenses and are making money, or, you know you want to someday make money (and have expenses:) Track your current income (or revenue), expenses (personal and/or business) Do this in Google Sheets are start to get intimate with your numbers. If you feel you need some energy / soothing to help you get started, enjoy my Money Visualization Meditation

2. spiritual practice = a must

Anytime in my journey with business that I have gone way too into the ‘3D’ meaning: I get too busy to do my practices, check in with myself, my heart, my why, my relationship to the creator… I get super off track.

My mornings and/or evenings are sacred. And sometimes they are not. Sometimes what is sacred is ordering my favorite sushi & watching Netflix.

But over and over and over again… I learn this: when I am not creating time & intention to check in with myself, I get off track.

When I am not working on my ‘stuff”: I get off track.

Spiritual practice, as a term, continues to evolve & change for me, but one thing remains clear: I am here to take care of myself first, so I can be embodied in what it is what I share and teach.

When I ignore myself, my needs, my issues: everything gets off track.

I actually just started a 21 day yoga x receptivity practice with my friend Hellè Weston. I am going to do 21 days of:

  • 10-30 minutes of yoga daily

  • 2x meditation (any length)

  • 20 minutes of reading (audio or a book)

  • nightly hypnosis

  • then, journal my experience each day

I am really excited to get back to my process and practice. I’ll keep you posted on IG with how it’s all going!

3. business isn’t a bandaid

All I will say here, is the success, momentary, wins, money, etc.

will never bandaid a sense of emptiness or inadequacy.

When I was younger I got bullied & humiliated a lot (I talk about this part of my journey with Chiron conjunct Mars in my book Mystical AF) and that definitely left its fair share of scars on my self worth.

Last year I had a really powerful experience where I realized: unless I truly heal that (at a nervous system and subconscious level) my business will always be the scapegoat for that deep need for acceptance and validation.

And no matter how beautiful & noble my desire for service and impact is: if I am using my business to move me away from the deeper healing or deeper attention my inner child needs, all attempts will be futile!

This is a concept I teach at the F1 level of my 4 for Success™️ Process: healing, healing, healing & self awareness, are always a part of your journey as a conscious CEO.

4. rushing ruins it

I’ll keep this short and sweet! Anytime I have rushed, or made decisions based on an incomplete understanding of other peoples ideas of success or ‘what has worked’ for them, I usually run into an issue (or 20)

Do not rush. You will get what you are going.

When you are driving a car at 65 mph it’s generally very easy to maintain the well being of yourself and the car when you are paying attention.

When you are driving a car at 165 mph, theres much less room for error no matter how well you are paying attention.

Do. not. rush. What are you rushing towards?

Life, your business, your journey, the Universe, will give you the feedback you need when you need it!

Now not rushing doesn’t mean, do nothing…!

Do, act, explore, CREATE (see #5) but don’t rush.

Your #1 focus as a business owner is ensuring that your services impact and take care of the people who you are there to serve (in the simplest way, this is exactly what business is all about:) and there’s no rushing that process.

5. creativity is the key

This is the KEY 🔑 .

When I am creative with what I am doing not only am I having fun (and feeling deeply fulfilled)

I am making a difference in the lives of anyone who feels drawn to my form of creating.

It’s so easy to get caught up in the strategy, numbers, etc. that we see paraded on IG and other social platforms…

The thing that moves the needle for me every time is, am I being creative?

This right here, is me being creative! And I actually have a process where instead of checking emails or doing my CEO things, first, I blog.

I create, I write, because this is such a beautiful space of expression for me (and it activates my Mars placement which is a great action starter for me each day!)

When things feels stagnant or you aren’t sure what to do: get creative.

Creativity might be re-organizing your Notion, or blogging or making a TikTok or piece of social content. Create beauty through order and express yourself.

I know over the years my self-expression is exactly how this business has grown.

I really hope you enjoyed this post! please feel free to screen shot & share any parts of it that resonated with you & tag me @natalia_benson

Want to work with my 5 years of entrepreneurial experience over 5 days to prosper your relationship to your business & wake up your financial magnetism?

Join me for the 5 Day Money Magnetism Challenge right here!

Lexi Cheng

Hi I'm Lexi! I’m a creative director + web designer at Dynamo Ultima. I am a sales page design enthusiast, extreme sport lover & huge astrology fanatic.


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